Demica speaks with Coface

Demica speaks with Coface

Published 18th December 2020 by Demica in Webinars

The importance of back-up services and the transactional security for funders and sellers

With the state of the current economic environment, seller risk monitoring and the use of credit insurance are essential. Demica speaks to Coface about the importance of back-up services, Coface Collection and transactional security for buyers and sellers.


Frederic Bougeios, Global Head of Single Risk Business Development at Coface

Host: Francois Terrade, Global Head of Structuring at Demica

Key highlights

04:44 – The current economic environment and how it is deteriorating – Using Demica’s platform data

09:12 – Coface Collection

11:05 – What is back up services?

18:52 – The advantages of back up services

20:40 – Demica and Coface – The perfect combination